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Ofsted and Performance Data

Children laying on the ground working in their books


We are very pleased with the judgement of Clanfield Junior School being a Good which the school received following it's latest OFSTED inspection (May 2021).  We believe that this judgement reflects all the positive aspects of our school and our achievements as a whole school community.

Everyone involved with CJS, especially pupils, teaching staff, the leadership team and governing body continues to work extremely hard to maintain excellent standards at our school, and we are justifiably proud of this.

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

KS2 Performance Data

*EXS+ = children achieving the expected standard or greater

*GDS = children achieving the higher standard of greater

** There was no National data or Hampshire data published in 2020 or 2021 so 2019 is listed as the last National/Hampshire data provided.

Key Stage 2 Outcomes

Subject Area 2022 2023 2024
Reading 88% 83% 79%
Writing 89% 63% 83%
GPS 88% 84% 80%
Maths 83% 80% 76%
Combined     70%